FAO Ethiopia Situation Report – October 2016 - Ethiopia | ReliefWeb: "FAO Ethiopia Situation Report – October 2016 REPORTfrom Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Published on 26 Oct 2016 —View Original Download PDF (562.82 KB) 9.7 million People food insecure USD 91 million Required for humanitarian response in Ethiopia’s agriculture sector 1.3 million People assisted by FAO seed and livestock interventions since January 2016 USD 14 million Needed by FAO for urgent livestock interventions Key messages State of Emergency declared amid social unrest. The Government of Ethiopia declared a State of Emergency in October in response to a wave of protests that has been escalating since August. Travel and telecommunications have been restricted, affecting emergency monitoring and assessments on the ground, particularly in areas of Amhara and Oromia Regions. Livestock-dependent families in pastoral areas face immense challenges. With prolonged dry spells predicted for southern pastoral areas, urgent livestock assistance is required to save the livelihoods of 2.4 million households, safeguard their herds, improve milk and meat production and ensure access to feed and water. Food insecurity rates remain high. Some 9.7 million people were estimated to be food insecure in the August 2016 Mid-Year Review of the Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD) – only marginally lower than the 10.2 million reported at the height of El Niño impacts in December 2015. While the ongoing meher harvest is expected to gradually improve food security, millions are anticipated to remain at risk."

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